

9/28 (Friday)

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. 

9/27 (星期四)

無法付房租的房客匆忙搬走以後. 留下了很多的紀念品,  像是冰箱裏吃一半的食物呀. 

地毯上狗小便留下來了印子阿, 最大也是最震撼的紀念品是房客自己粉刷後的紅色客廳跟菊色廚房. 

一直油漆上到天花版(天花板也被用髒), 下到地毯也遭殃, (可見沒有用tape就直接用滾筒無意識的油漆) 

房客之後還很白目的要我們當她的 reference, 好讓她在再去破害下一位無辜的房東.....

以下是小蜜蜂跟房客的 email exchange


Hi Shikila(房客),  After walking through the house, we were terrified by the damages left there after a few months of your residency. The total damage could cost us easily over $1000 for repair. The painting was off-the-chart bad and with poor workmanship, which could have been classified as a vandalism(人為故意破壞).. We would have helped you for landlord reference if the place was kept in a decent condition. Take my word for this, please.. "Do not ever paint your next place because your next landlord would come after you". All that said, we still wish you best of luck finding your next place.  

房客還不死心 email 問我們

so i guess that means your giving me a bad report right?

小蜜蜂只好宛轉的回最後一封信(大意就是說. Leave us alone)

No. I am not taking any action at all. I just simply try to clean and rent it out to the next person. I cannot tell the lie to your next landlord that I am satisfied with this whole journey. You know what I mean... You don't need to refer your new landlord to me. If you do, I just won't return the call to the person. Let's just say I left the country.........(哈哈哈 )


學校又放假. 請朋友來家做蛋糕跟吐司.




9/25 (星期二)

Nicole Richie 跟 Macy's 合作推出的品牌 impulse  九月中正式推出

我個人很喜歡. 有興趣的人請

9/24 (星期一)

朋友說要讓小朋友學著幫忙分擔家事.   於是乎我跟二傻說好

幫忙做一件家事(洗衣服,疊衣服,吃完把碗盤放去水槽.溜狗,澆花等) 就可以有一點 

集滿 50 點可以換 $25 或是同等質的禮物

政策推出之後, 姐弟兩天天自願搶著幫忙做家事

我現在很生氣.  這個政策怎麼不早點實施 !! 

弟弟目前的 point chart. 現在是 13 點. 把家裏用亂被扣了兩點~~哈哈


9/23 (星期日)

團購的中秋甜點. 有鳳梨酥(土鳳梨). 牛舌餅. 松子酥.綠豆凸跟蛋黃酥等.

9/22 (星期六)

早上小蜜蜂帶姐弟踢足球. 下午帶姐姐去中文學校.

Steve Madden 的螢光菊色. 也是很好配喔 (點我)


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