ALICE 的一位媽媽朋友在非死不可上PO的
Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater
(無論你給女人什麼, 她都有辦法讓它變的更好)
Give her a house, she will give you a home,
(給她一間房子, 她會給你一個溫暖的家)
Give her groceries, she will give you a meal,
(給她食物, 她會弄出豐盛的一餐)
Give her a smile, she will give you her heart,
(給她一個笑容, 她把整顆心都交給你)
She multiplies & enlarges what she is given,
(女人所收到的, 她都可以將它加倍&擴大)
So if you.... give her crap,
(所以, 如果你給她屎跟垃圾)
be ready.... to receive a ton of it !!
(那你要有心裏準備, 你會收到一堆XXXXX)
妳笑了嘛? 送給無名的姐妹們^^